服务项目 |
验厂辅导,ELEVAT审核,ELEVAT验厂咨询 |
面向地区 |
全国 |
公司类型 |
有限责任公司 |
咨询国家 |
中国 |
咨询内容 |
其它 |
1 考勤记录 Time Attendance Records ( 年 月到 年 月)
2 员工加班申请表(如有) Overtime Application Form (If any)
3 当地综合计时批文(如有) Comprehensive Working Hours Approval (If any)
4 工资表 Payroll Records ( 年 月到 年 月)
5 当地低工资标准文件 Local Minimum Wage Notice
6 员工档案, 人事花名册 Personal Files, Roster
7 招聘政策, 招聘程序文件 Recruitment Policy & Recruitment Procedure
8 员工离职和解雇记录(近 3 个月) Worker Resignation Records (Most recent 3 months)
9 员工手册,工厂休假政策(带薪年假,产假,病假等) Factory Handbook, Factory Leave Policies (Annual Leave, Maternity Leave, Sick Leave etc.)
10 休假记录 (带薪年假,产假,病假) Leave Records (Annual Leave, Childbearing Leave and Sick Leave etc.)
11 惩处记录 (近 2 个月) Disciplinary Records (Most recent 2 months)
12 劳动合同 Labor Contracts
13 劳务派遣协议,劳务派遣公司资质,实习协议(如适用) Dispatch Agreement, Qualification of Labor Agent, Internship Agreement (If applicable)
14 未成年工人体检及劳动局登记记录 (如适用) Young Worker Registration & Health Check Records (If applicable)
15 A) 社会保险参保收据(近三个月); B) 社会保险参保名单(近一个月); C) 当地社会保险参保计算方法;A) Social Insurance Contribution Receipt (Most recent three months); B) Social Insurance Enrollment Name List (Most recent month); C) Local Social Insurance Calculation Formula.
16 投诉程序和投诉记录 Grievance Procedure and Workers Complaint Records
17 工商营业执照Business License
18 工厂近一次社会责任审核报告及改善行动 (如适用) Most Recent Social Compliance Audit Report & CAP (If applicable)
19 工厂平面图Factory Layout Plan
20 生产工艺流程图Production Flow Diagram
21 化学物品清单 Chemical Inventory
22 工伤记录Work-Related Injury Records
23 消防, 紧急疏散演习记录 Fire, Evacuation Drill Records
24 消防验收合格证明或备案记录 Fire Inspection Certificate or Registration Records
25 建筑工程竣工验收报告 / 备案记录 Completion Acceptance Report / Registration Record of Building Construction Project
26 职业健康安全培训记录 (个人防护用品使用,化学品处理) EHS Training Records (PPE, Chemical Safety Training)
27 工作场所职业危害因素检测报告(如化学物质,粉尘,噪音等) Workplace Occupational Hazards Factor Testing Report (e.g. Chemical Substance, Dust, Noise etc.)
28 职业病健康检查报告 Occupational Disease Health Examination Report
29 特种设备注册登记及检验文件 (如起重机,电梯,锅炉,空压机,电动叉车等)Special Appliance Certificates, Crane, Elevator, Pressure Vessel, Boiler, Forklift
30 以上所列特种设备操作工人的上岗证书 Operator’s Certificate of above Listed Equipments
31 特种作业人员操作证书(如电工,焊工等) License for Special Operation (e.g. Electrician, Welder etc.)
32 厨房餐饮服务许可证, 厨工健康证 Canteen Hygiene Certificate, Health Certificate of Kitchen Staff
33 危险废物处置商的经营许可证及危险废物转移联单 License of Hazardous Waste Disposal Vendor& Manifest for Hazardous Waste Disposal
34 建设项目环境影响评价文件及批复/备案 Environmental Impact Assessment Documents & Approval / Registration
35 环境建设项目竣工验收报告 Environmental Construction Project Final Acceptance Check Report
注意: 以上列出的文件和记录是需要查看的基本的资料,并没有包含所要求查看的所有文件。审核小组可能会在现场审核过程中要求查看其它相关的文件和记录。Note: The above documents and records are minimum lists and do not cover all the documents that may be required. The audit team may request other related documents and records for review during the onsite audit.