>资产评估>艺术品资产评估>广东省造双龙寿字银币 免费发布艺术品资产评估信息


更新时间:2019-07-19 20:12:02 信息编号:d02cotb5u8e9b4
600000≥ 600000枚
  • 600000.00 元

  • 银币





0427- 广东省造光绪元宝双龙寿字--------756.00万------- 2018-11-29
0198- 广东省造双龙寿字币--------------- 637.20万 ------2018-11-29
0920- 广东省造双龙寿字币试铸版-------- 442.80万------- 2018-10-23
0452 -光绪元宝广东省造双龙寿字---------432.00万 -------2018-01-17
5014 -光绪元宝双龙寿字币--------------- 411.70万 ----------2018-08-30
0509 -光绪元宝广东省造双龙寿字-------- 374.40万---------- 2018-01-17
0233 -光绪元宝广东省造双龙寿字---------373.75万 ----------2018-12-30
0363- 广东省造光绪元宝双龙寿字-------- 373.30万----------- 2016-12-15
0643 -广东省造双龙寿字币------------- ---352.00万---------- 2019-01-22
0656- 广东省双龙寿字币------------------ 351.00万----------- 2018-10-23
Guangxu Yuanbao is the first large denomination currency circulated in Guangxu year of the Great Qing Dynasty. It is the first circulation currency to introduce overseas technology in China. It also has certain historical significance for today. Gold is a traditional metal decoration process which was produced in the pre-Qin period. It is a traditional method called pyrometallurgical gold plating or mercury gold plating. This piece of "Gold-plated Sichuan Guangxu Yuanbao" uses mercury gold plating process which is very scarce, and its process can also be called gold plating. The texture is thick and solid, with special historical significance attached to the collection value.
It is understood that in recent years, the word "Shou" coin of Guangxu Yuanbao Shuanglong in Guangdong Province once became the favorite of the collectors. Guangxu Yuanbao Shuanglong "Shou" coin collection in Shangbao, Guangdong Province is of high value, but the deposit of Guangxu Yuanbao Shuanglong "Shou" coin in Guangdong Province is extremely rare, with a high price of millions.
So, how much is the price of Shuanglongshou coin?
Guangxu Yuanbao Shuanglongshou coin bank in Guangdong Province weighs about 34g with a diameter of 4.1cm. The front side of the coin is inscribed with four characters "made in Guangdong Province" on the upper end of the bead circle, and the lower end is inscribed with five characters "made in Kuping and Chongshou", with bat patterns on both sides and four characters "made in Guangxu Yuanbao" on the inside of the bead circle. On the back of the silver coin, a double dragon balloon pattern is cast outside the bead circle, and a round "Shou" character is cast inside the bead circle.
The coin was coined at the beginning of the 31st year of Guangxu (1905) to commemorate Cixi's 60th birthday. Zhang Jongbo wrote in the article "Silver coins in Guangdong Province": "However, due to the lack of age, this product is very difficult to break, but look at its pattern, harmoniously make a happy life, surround the Shuanglong, the curtain has no English, meaning praise, great abnormality system. As a result, it has become one of the commemorative coins, especially for those who wish Empress Dowager Cixi a longevity of sixty days.
It is understood that in recent years, the price of silver yuan has been rising, especially with the Guangxu Shuanglongshou coin in 2016, a well-established "Guangxu Yuanbao" has sold for 3 million yuan, which has become a sensation in the collection circle. So, how much is the price of Shuanglongshou coin? Guangxuyuan Treasury in Guangdong Province, the price of Ping Qian-2 is 198,000 yuan, and the price of English version of Shuanglongshou coin is 3,000,000 yuan.
Recent trading records of the coins made in Guangdong Province are as follows:
0427 - Shuanglongshou character of Yuanbao in Guangxu, Guangdong Province - ----- 756 million - ----- 2018-11-29
0198 - Guangdong Province made Shuanglongshou coins - ----------------------------- 637.2 million - --- 2018-11-29
0920 - Guangdong Province made a trial version of Shuanglongshou Coin - --------- 442.8 million - ----- 2018-10-23
0452 - Guangxu Yuanbao Guangdong Province made Shuanglong Shou character - - - - - - 432 million - - - - - - 2018-01-17
5014 - Guangxu Yuanbao Shuanglongshou Coin - ------------------------------- 4117 million - --------------- 2018-08-30
0509 - Guangxu Yuanbao, Guangdong Province, made the word "Shuanglong Shou" ----------- 374.4 million - ----------------- 2018-01-17
0233 - Guangxu Yuanbao Guangdong Province made the word "Shuanglong Shou" - - - - - - - - 373.75 million - - - - - - - - - 2018-12-30
0363 - Shuanglongshou character of Yuanbao, Maoguangxu, Guangdong Province - ------- 373.3 million - ----------- 2016-12-15
0643 - Guangdong Province made double Longshou coins - --------------------------------- 352 million - ------------- 2019-01-22
0656 - Shuanglongshou coin in Guangdong Province - --------------------------------------------------- 351 million - ----------------- 2018-10-23
It is said that there are two kinds of Guangxu Yuanbao in Guangdong Province, one is "Kuping Heavy One or Two" and the other is "Kuping Seven Qian Two". Kuping Heavy One or two is not controversial, while "Kuping Seven Qian Two" is controversial. Some say that it has been counterfeited, and some say that it did exist in history. For example, Mr. Zhang Zhiqun included "wide range" in the book "Minting Steel Mould". Eastern Province made longevity silver coins, steel modular sets, divided into seven cents and two or two altogether, which some experts believe that "Kuping Qian 2" Guangxu Yuanbao is indeed there.

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