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更新时间:2019-04-23 10:57:59 信息编号:7bo9shf25e371
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屏风的制式可算是自古以来就有,早可追溯至商周时期,当时是权力的象征, 《礼记》有载:“天子当依而立。”这个“依”,就是屏风。可见屏风在家具历史的地位非常高,我们从古装剧中也可以经常见到,皇帝宝座后面都有一座屏风,哪怕是战国时期题材的也是如此,明清就更不用提了,我们去故宫就能看到。随着时间的推移,屏风逐渐的走进了寻常百姓的家里。

Screen of the system is has existed since ancient times, the earliest can be traced back to chow period, it was a symbol of power, "rites" load: "son of heaven when according to all things hold together." The "on", is the screen. Visible screen on furniture history status is very high, we can also see from costume dramas, have a screen behind the throne of the emperor, even during the warring states period is the subject, not to mention the Ming and qing dynasties, we can see to the Palace Museum. With the passage of time, gradually entered the ordinary people's home screen.


The jade screen is take the hotan is product of white jade expected, the positive to full screen by god hard hollow out relief map, vehemence pound bo, macro day only, highlighted by god hard heavy xian, cure country HanWu prosperous time. Attached to the plane of Kings and emperors used shiji classic seventy-six integrate, to miss the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, a good phase of the ancients, engraved jade plate, like moral also like to see, more than two thousand years after the show today. Long history, huge quantity, craft, deep meaning, the elegant, this work should be out to one of the most famous calligraphy inside the s palace, sculptor, to master works. This jade screen should be orphan works, at present is in the collectors at home and abroad. The jade screen to archaeological and study in that phase of history, political and economic development will be a big help, also is the best evidence that paragraph of history, at the same time.


The biographies of GuanYan. The home screen (and upright GuanYan four words) 56 integrate. "The reason of low and easy. Of the vulgar way, thus to, common place for ever, and therefore to it. Also from time to time, good for evil is blessed, failure to work. And your weight, balance, huan and less real anger ji, south on CAI. Stand on both sides of the seal cutting and biographies of GuanYan notes twenty integrate all around. "From the royal's wife. This long. Six feet and phase. In my view it." The home screen and stent combination seal cutting sima qian in shi ji, biographies of GuanYan are altogether seventy-six integrate.At present the jade screen is orphan works, belly in the collectors at home and abroad. The archaeological research and works of art investment has immeasurable appreciation of space.


It is worth mentioning that the jade screen and a inter-cultural worth studying, and biographies of GuanYan out to the greatness of the han dynasty historian sima qian's shiji in the article. Such as character and jade screen are in the same age, seems to hide the wu emperor, s gift previous injustice of sima qian, died in biographies of GuanYan carved jade screen, a kind of the metaphor for the great historian sima qian mourn with respect!

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