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  • 官窑,瓷器,宋代,拍卖







                   胥总监 电话:135 3786 2090(同号)







 “官窑”为宋代五大名窑之一,由官府直接营建。分有新官、旧官之称,前者为南宋官窑,后者为北宋官窑。胎与釉均薄如纸,有月白、粉红、粉青、大绿、油灰等色,当时月白为上,粉青次之,以后变为粉青为上,月白次之。器物多为开片纹,以冰裂纹为上,梅花纹次之,细碎纹为下;开片纹有带黄黑线的为上品。釉斑则以鳝鱼血为上,墨纹次之。 官窑瓷器虽然在宋代瓷器中只占极少数,但是由于其所处地位和具备的条件,使它在当时烧造了一批宫廷所需的瓷器,成为民族珍贵的文化遗产。




 官窑是在宋大观及政和年间于汴凉所造,青瓷釉色晶莹剔透,有开裂或呈冰片状,粉青紫口铁定是其特色。 北宋官窑也称汴京官窑。相传北宋大观、政和年间,在汴京附近设立窑场,由官府直接经营,专烧宫廷用瓷器,即北宋官窑。当时的京师即汴京(今河南开封),因宋代汴京遗址已沉入地下,至今日为止,尚未发掘出北宋官窑遗址。 对于北宋官窑遗址缺乏考古发掘的资料和充足的文献资料的支撑,因此,时至今日,关于北宋官窑遗址在何处,一般有三种说法:一说北宋官窑即为汝窑;二说否认北宋官窑的存在;三说为北宋官窑即为汴京官窑,它与南宋时的修内司官窑先后存在。目前支持第三种说法的人较多。 北宋官窑传世品很少,形质与工艺与汝窑有共同处。器多仿古,主要有碗、瓶、洗等。胎体显厚,胎骨深灰、紫色或黑色,釉色有淡青、粉青、月白等,釉质莹润温雅,尤以釉面开大裂纹片著称,不同于南宋官窑和汝窑及龙泉窑瓷器。 南宋时先后设立了“修内司窑”和“郊坛下窑”。南宋官窑器,胎为黑、深灰、浅灰、米黄色等,有厚薄之分,胎质细腻。釉面乳浊,多开片,釉色有粉青、淡青、灰青、月白、米黄等。因器口中施釉稀薄,微露紫色;而采用刮釉垫烧时,足上露胎而呈偏赤铁色,故有“紫口铁足”之称。至今杭州凤凰山麓尚留有:南宋官窑老虎洞窑址、南宋官窑郊坛下窑址等历史遗迹,现均为文物保护单位。

  官窑仿品辨析 官窑瓷器自问世后即很名贵,历代多有仿制,仿品可分为4种情况:





宋代龙泉窑所仿官窑瓷器采用垫饼或支圈烧,没有支钉痕。另外,龙泉窑仿品没有一件是满釉支烧的。明代仿官窑均是景德镇御窑厂所仿。这些仿品釉层较厚,釉面开大小纹片,多为粉青和灰青色。清雍正时仿官窑产品釉色多为豆青、灰蓝和月白,少数无纹片,多为大开片,釉有透明和失透两种。失透的容易与宋代官窑混淆,其产品中,支钉痕为黑色,类似汝窑细小的芝麻钉。 市场分析 宋代官窑是由宫廷设窑烧造的青瓷。其制作的瓷器为宫廷所垄断,所以官窑十分珍贵。而且官窑瓷流传至今的真品非常,故其一直是收藏家梦寐以求的。


                   胥总监 电话:135 3786 2090(同号)





The Song Dynasty Guan porcelain features

"Guan" as one of the five famous kilns in the Song Dynasty, built by the government directly. A new and old officer officer said, the former is the Northern Song Dynasty Guan kiln, kiln. The tire and the glaze are as thin as paper, a pale blue, pink, blue, green, white putty color, then for,

Kiln in ancient China is directly controlled by the court official kilns, designed to burn the court, official porcelain. Kiln in Song Dynasty, the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Guan kiln.

"Guan" as one of the five famous kilns in the Song Dynasty, built by the government directly. A new and old officer officer said, the former is the Northern Song Dynasty Guan kiln, kiln. The tire and the glaze are as thin as paper, a pale blue, pink, blue, green, white putty and other colors, then on the powder green time, after the changes to the powder blue, pale blue times. How to open objects lines, ice cracks, plum pattern of fine lines; slitting lines with yellow black line for the top grade. The eel blood spot glaze on the ink lines. Although in the Song Dynasty porcelain kiln porcelain accounted for only a few, but because of its superior condition of position and have, make it at the time in a number of court required for high-grade porcelain, become the precious cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.

The Song Dynasty Guan porcelain features

The kiln in the song and the grand political and Kaifeng made from cold, glittering and translucent celadon, crack or flake ice is blue, powder is definitely the characteristics of export. The Northern Song Dynasty kiln called Bianjing kiln. According to legend, the Northern Song dynasty grand governance period, set up kilns in Bianjing nearby, directly operated by the government, the court is designed to burn with porcelain, the Northern Song Dynasty kiln. At the time that the capital Bianjing (now Henan city), from the Song Dynasty Bianjing site has sunk into the ground, to date, has not yet been unearthed in Northern Song Dynasty kiln ruins. For the Northern Song Dynasty official kiln site archaeological data and lack of sufficient documentation to support, therefore, today, on the site where the Northern Song Dynasty kiln, there are generally three types: one is the two Northern Song Dynasty kiln; deny the existence of three said the Northern Song Dynasty kiln; kiln is Bianjing kiln for the Northern Song Dynasty, it has existed. With the Southern Song Dynasty xiuneisi Guan kiln. There are more people who support the third statements at the moment. The Northern Song Dynasty kilns handed down a little in common with the form process and ru. More than antique, mainly bowls, bottles, washing, etc.. The carcass was thick, Taigu dark gray, purple or black glaze with pale green, pink and blue, pale blue, enamel glaze Yingrun Wen Ya, especially in the open crack is different from the Southern Song Guan and Ru and Longquan porcelain. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the "inner kiln" and "inner altar kiln" were set up". The Southern Song Dynasty kiln, black, dark gray, light gray tire, beige, a thickness of points, aggravation delicate. Glaze opaque, multi piece, glaze powder blue, pale green, gray green, pale blue, beige. Because of the mouth in the glaze is thin, with purple; and the scratch pad glaze burning, foot padding is partial hematite color, the "Purple iron foot". Since the Hangzhou Phoenix Mountains remain: LAOHUDONG kiln kiln, kiln kiln under the altar and other historical relics, are the national cultural relics protection units.

Imitation of porcelain kiln kiln was invented after that is very expensive, the imitation, imitation goods can be divided into 4 types:

One is the Song Dynasty Longquan imitation;

Two is the imitation of Ming and Qing dynasties;

Three is the late Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China imitation;

Four is the modern new imitation.

The imitation Song Dynasty Longquan kiln porcelain kiln with cushion cake or ainer burn, no nail marks. In addition, no one is full of Longquan imitation enamel support burn. The Ming Dynasty kiln are imitation imitation Jingdezhen kiln factory. The glaze of these imitations is thicker, and the glaze surface is large and small. The Yong Zheng copy these products glaze for beans, blue and white, a corrugated plate, for the big piece, the glaze is transparent and devitrification two. Devitrification is easily confused with the Song Dynasty kiln, its exquisite products, supporting nails black, similar Ru small sesame nail. Market analysis of the Song Dynasty Guan kiln production is set by the court. The production of porcelain is monopolized by the court, so the kiln is very precious. But Guan porcelain has been genuine is very scarce, so it has been the dream of boutique collectors.

If you have an item in hand, you can contact me and help you with your fast Trading

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0292宋 北宋官窑深腹碗6,000.00-6,000.00万20,700.00万2012-12-28澳门中信 拍卖结果
0122北宋 张公巷官窑5,000.00-8,000.00万13,110.00万2012-06-03澳门中信 拍卖结果
0001南宋 官窑青釉八方弦纹盘咨询价11,388.00万2015-04-07香港苏富比拍卖结果
1629南宋 修内司官窑海棠瓶 咨询价9,200.00万2016-11-29香港皇廷拍卖结果
0291宋 北宋官窑椭圆洗2,800.00-2,800.00万9,200.00万2012-12-28澳门中信 拍卖结果
0027宋 北宋官窑椭圆洗1,800.00-1,800.00万7,475.00万2014-06-08澳门中信 拍卖结果


                   胥总监 电话:135 3786 2090(同号)




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